Saturday 20 March 2010

Bridget Francis Photography: {family} My brown eyed girl

Bridget Francis Photography: {family} My brown eyed girl

{family} My brown eyed girl

It struck me today that since my photography business is beginning to grow legs and I regularly have photo shoots and weddings to attend to, the amount of time I'm cajoling my children to pose infront of the camera is diminishing at a rate of knots.

I came across these pictures tonight which I took back in February, still in RAW format and not even looked at properly since then. I adore them, and yes, I know I'm biased but isn't she gorgeous?!

To Megan, my brown eyed girl - the most beautiful girl in the world x

If I can persuade my son to leave his xbox, football, trips out on his bike for any length of time I'll update with some pictures of him sometime soon!

Wednesday 24 February 2010

{Portraits} Big girls, we are beautiful!

Big girls come in all shapes and sizes - well, obviously but I'm not sure that alot of the so-called plus size ranges you get on the high street REALLY understand that. I'm 6' tall, broadly built and have always probably carried at least a couple of stones too much weight.

My experience of shopping on the high street for anything over a size 16 is that the clothes get wider and wider to accommodate the extra inches but there seems to be an assumption that anyone over 5'6 doesn't need the extra inches on the arms, the legs, the body.... So, I can buy a tent but it will still only reach my ankles or my elbows. Oh, and note to plus size buyers in the likes of Marks and Spencers and Evans - wearing a tent certainly doesn't make me look good, it doesn't make me feel that great either...

I've recently discovered what it's like to wear clothes that are made entirely with the larger figure in mind and the difference is like night and day; not only do they feel great but they look fantastic too.

My friend Helen owns a fabulous boutique, Verity Plum in Knutsford whose strapline is 'celebrate your curves' and celebrate them she does! Visiting the shop is like going into your favourite sweetie shop, with all the pleasure and none of the calories and guilt!!

Helen recently approached me to see if I would like to do a photoshoot to accompany an article that will soon appear in In Cheshire magazine.

These shots are a sneak preview of what will appear - the models; Suzanne, Cathy, Julie and Zowie were amazing and we had a blast as we played around in Casa Tapas , and the Antiques Market. Hair and make up were done by Saks hairdressing.

I hope you agree that they all look amazing, and those of you in Cheshire, look out for next month's copy of 'In Cheshire' for the full story!

Sunday 7 February 2010

{family} The fashion parade begins

I mentioned in my first blog post about my 6 year old daughter Megan being a bit of a fashionista - my husband has just found this photo of her at about 18 months old....

There are no words...

{Portraits} Cathy, Alex & Louis

So back in December I bought my friend Cathy her Christmas present. In my usual disorganised fashion I didn't go to find and wrap it until Christmas eve when it was nowhere to be found - absolutely nowhere. To add to the irritation there was also some new underwear for me in the same bag...

So, Cathy received my emergency Christmas present - some chocolate, mug, whisking type thing and a text message to promise her a photo session with her and her boys.

Here they are today - a gorgeous bunch don't you think?

Happy Christmas Cathy! xx

Saturday 6 February 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

I was chatting to a fellow photographer the other day who has been in the business for over 10 years. I was fishing for top tips and he said that he wished he could spend more time with his camera and that actually taking photographs only made up about 10% of his working life.

Well, having spent the last few weeks launching a new website at and now trying to incorporate a blog, sort out the photographs, set up a proper accounting system, deal with customer enquiries, and and and... well I completely agree!

I can only hope that all this work at the computer will lead to some great opportunities to try out my new camera - I have plenty bookings to look forward to but I really am going square eyed at all this technology.

Today I went out with my daughter, who, unlike her mother is, at aged 6, turning out to be a bit of a fashionista - we spent the final pennies of her Christmas money on some new clothes. She willingly agreed to pose for some photos this afternoon after a determined struggle to wear the contents of my make up bag!
Here she is, 6, going on sixteen and the apple of my eye! Oh, and if any of you reading this would like to comment by telling me how you found your way here I'd be mightily grateful - it will all go into, erm, a big research folder, or something!